awesome snaps man... simply awesome... you ought to make your blog more visible on pg! I've glanced through a bunch of them.. didn't occur to me that there might be other people with blogs as well (besides the ones like me who put it as our signature etc.)
Anyway, point being.. the snaps are really good..
how about putting up a few more words though... a nice description and some idea of the situation will be quite good!
Sorry ! I didn't realize that my blog had comments :)
If you are referring to the Uttarkashi snaps, the training costs Rs.4000 for a month, inc. food, lodging, training and equipment. Real Govt. of India costs.
If you were referring to Ladakh or any other trips, normally I spend around Rs.800-1000 per day on most of my trips inc. all the travel, restaurant food, lodging, buying memorablia, going for fun things like skiing etc.
Vaibhav this side...
awesome snaps man... simply awesome... you ought to make your blog more visible on pg! I've glanced through a bunch of them.. didn't occur to me that there might be other people with blogs as well (besides the ones like me who put it as our signature etc.)
Anyway, point being.. the snaps are really good..
how about putting up a few more words though... a nice description and some idea of the situation will be quite good!
Just wondering, how much did this trip set you back by? [i mean money-wise, not prestige lost at the Office! :) ]
Sorry ! I didn't realize that my blog had comments :)
If you are referring to the Uttarkashi snaps, the training costs Rs.4000 for a month, inc. food, lodging, training and equipment. Real Govt. of India costs.
If you were referring to Ladakh or any other trips, normally I spend around Rs.800-1000 per day on most of my trips inc. all the travel, restaurant food, lodging, buying memorablia, going for fun things like skiing etc.
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